Monday, June 23, 2008

Apache Directory Server : Default Settings

" We strive to increase LDAP awareness, comfort and adoption to bring forth what we call the Modern LDAP Renaissance. "

I just downloaded and installed the Apache Directory Server. It took less than 5 minutes to install the server & start it.

The Apache Directory Server is one of the best LDAP Servers that I have used, during prototyping stages. It's very easy to install & very fast in operation.

However, I did observe in a couple of customer engagements that I had to look a bit through the documentation to get a list of the default configuration. I just want to list the default configuration that I use frequently here, to save a bit of time :-

Defalut Host : localhost
Default Port : 10389
Admin user : uid=admin, ou=system
Admin pass : secret
Base DN : ou=system
Initial context Factory : com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory

Overall, the Apache Directory Project is simply too good !

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