Sunday, February 22, 2009

Recursive Java Decompiler by Adarsh

" Often we encounter situations where the only solution to a certain Java problem is to decompile the contents of an entire JAR file, edit the resulting the source, rebuild and repackage before using. "

I found myself in this situation today & was struggling with CAVAJ and JAD to recursively generate Java classes present in an EAR file. I initially tried my hand at writing my own DOS Script to do this, but soon found that it takes a lot of time, patience & effort to write a script that does what I need. And time, unfortuantely, is in very limited supply today !

I Googled around looking for solutions & landed on this post by Adarsh. The Recursive Decompiler provided by Adarsh works like a charm *& saved a lot of time !

Thanks a lot Adarsh !

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